Friday, February 03, 2006


It's 4:50pm on a Friday afternoon. You're packing up your gear, ready to head home from work for the weekend when somebody swings by your cubicle and says, "Hey, listen, I know it's last minute but I have this proposal going out to a prospective client on Tuesday and I really need some help with the writing and editing of the proposal. I have an outline and have jotted down some thoughts. Now, if you can put together a 1,000 word document by Monday morning, that would be great. It'll give me a day to go over it and study it for my Tuesday morning. Thanks. Have a great weekend." You know that heat that fills your body, the same heat that magnified 100 times causes postal workers to go apeshit and gun down their co-workers? Swiss hardcore band Knut (pronounced "kahNOOOOT") knows that feeling and has managed to turn it into music - brutal, brutal music.

Now, these songs won't be for everybody. They are intense, powerful and, well, very jarring. But if you've ever had one of those days where things just pile up and you are screaming on the inside and wish you could let it out, you'll understand these songs and maybe even toss them on the iPod so that when you feel another "heatwave" approaching, you can get yourself in the zone and ready for it.

MP3: "Torvalds" (from Terraformer)
MP3: "Bite the Bullet" (from Challenger)
MP3: "The Whip" (from Bastardiser)